Rediscover Your Balance & Symmetry
World of Pink Foundation offers top quality breast prosthesis with anatomically perfected shape for patients who are feeling unbalanced and asymmetrical. We work closely with our patients to determine the best options for your unique lifestyle to bring balance and confidence.
Our silicone lightweight breast forms are not only soft with excellent skin and body compatibility, but they also feel completely natural to the touch!
Each breast prostheses has the familiar movement and shape retention similar to the natural breast, molds gently to uneven scar tissue, shapes the cup naturally, and has a long life due to it's resistance to chlorine, grease, oil and salt water.

They are very suitable for women who like to remain active in their daily lives as the prostheses are made with breathable microfiber technology.
Silicone breasts are offered with or without adhesive pads and in several custom shapes to help even out and support the breasts. This includes full breast forms, triangular breast forms, partial compensation breast forms, movement fold breast forms, and more!
World of Pink Foundation Boobie Bumpers
The next generation silicone, clear protective forms, are designed to provide comfort, while recovering around nipple area. These clear silicone forms create separation from clothing rubbing against skin, as well as physical protection so you can hug, exercise, and feel free throughout your breast recovery process.
All custom breast forms offered by World of Pink Foundation:
Have been tested and certified for correct function and quality in independent and certified test institutes
Have been approved and listed with a medical aid number
Are made of dermatologist-tested silicone, microfiber, and film
Are available in a range of skin colors to best match your skin tone